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2010年4月22日 星期四

Magnets can modify our morality 磁鐵會改變我們的道德

《中英對照讀新聞》Magnets can modify our morality 磁鐵會改變我們的道德  
Scientists have shown they can change people’s moral judgements by disrupting a specific area of the brain with magnetic pulses.
They identified a region of the brain just above and behind the right ear which appears to control morality. And by using magnetic pulses to block cell activity they impaired volunteers’ notion of right and wrong.
Lead researcher Dr Liane Young said:"You think of morality as being a really high-level behaviour. To be able to apply a magnetic field to a specific brain region and change people’s moral judgments is really astonishing."
The key area of the brain is a knot of nerve cells known as the right temporo-parietal junction (RTPJ).
The researchers subjected 20 volunteers to a number of tests designed to assess their notions of right and wrong. In one scenario participants were asked how acceptable it was for a man to let his girlfriend walk across a bridge he knew to be unsafe.
研究人員讓20名志願者接受一連串測試,評量他們的對錯觀念。 在其中一個情況,參與者被問到,一個男人讓女朋友走過一條他知道不安全的橋,是否可接受。
After receiving a 500 millisecond magnetic pulse to the scalp, the volunteers delivered verdicts based on outcome rather than moral principle.
If the girlfriend made it across the bridge safely, her boyfriend was not seen as having done anything wrong. In effect, they were unable to make moral judgments that require an understanding of other people’s intentions.
impaire:動詞,削弱,減少。例句:A recurring knee injury may have impaired his chances of winning the tournament.(不斷復發的膝傷降低了他贏得此次比賽的機會。)
astonishing:形容詞,讓人驚訝的。例句:She did astonishingly well in her exams.(她的考試成績出奇的好。)
subject:動詞,使遭受。例句:In recent years, she has been subject to attacks of depression.(最近這幾年,她罹患憂鬱症。)

2010年4月10日 星期六

Man acquitted of raping daughter due to ’sexsomnia’ 「睡眠性交症」 男子強暴女兒脫罪

中英對照讀新聞/Man acquitted of raping daughter due to ’sexsomnia’ 「睡眠性交症」 男子強暴女兒脫罪 
In a judgment condemned as ’the summit of perversity’ and ’an open door for paedophiles’, a Belgian man was acquitted of charges he raped his four-year-old daughter because he did it in his sleep, Belgian media reported on Tuesday.
The ’Het Laatste Nieuws’(HLN)newspaper reported that the 30-year-old man, who was only identified as F. L., admitted to raping his daughter but claimed he was not aware of his acts. He said he is suffering from sexsomnia, which causes people to engage in sexual acts such as masturbation, fondling and rape while they are asleep.
「最新消息報」報導,這名只知名字縮寫為「F. L.」的30歲男子,坦承蹂躪他女兒,但聲稱對自己的行為無意識。他說自己罹患睡眠性交症,這種疾病會導致病患睡著時從事手淫、愛撫及強暴等性行為。
The man told a court in Mons: ’This is a sexual version of sleepwalking. I was deeply ashamed when I found out what was happening.’
Experts don’t rule out the possibility of sexsomnia and say he does not appear to be a paedophile, the newspaper reported. The mother and the prosecutor’s office are appealing the court decision.
新聞辭典 Dictionary
perversity:名詞,乖僻;剛愎;性變態。例句:This is very strange. It is strange to the point of perversity. (這實在是非常奇怪,而且奇怪到變態的地步。)pervert則是指「性變態者」。
acquit of:片語,宣告無罪、無罪獲釋。例句︰The jury acquitted her of all charges.(陪審團宣判她的所有指控皆無罪。)
ashamed︰形容詞,慚愧的、害臊的。I’m ashamed for you.(我為你感到慚愧。)

2010年4月9日 星期五


◎滋賀、かくれんぼでギネス達成 最多の188人参加




2010年4月7日 星期三

康乃馨花圃現身銀座街頭迎接母親節 銀座にカーネーション畑 5千本、母の日前に

04.06 12:59
◎銀座にカーネーション畑 5千本、母の日前に東京・銀座のスクランブル交差点前に6日、約90品種5千本の国産カーネーション畑が出現し、道行く人の目を楽しませている。





An Hour Of Daily Exercise ’Needed To Stay Slim’ 保持苗條每天要運動一小時

《中英對照讀新聞》An Hour Of Daily Exercise ’Needed To Stay Slim’ 保持苗條每天要運動一小時  
The recommended half an hour of exercise a day may not be enough to stop weight gain. According to a US study of 34,000 women, an hour a day of moderate exercise is needed to fight the flab. Overweight women need to diet as well as exercise, a Harvard team reports in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
The UK government advises adults to exercise for at least half an hour five or more days a week. The US study followed 34,000 middle-aged women over 13 years. The women completed regular questionnaires about the amount of time they spent on physical activity.
They were classified into three groups:those who did the equivalent of less than two and a half hours of moderate exercise a week, between two and a half hours and seven hours a week, and more than seven hours a week.
The average age of the women was 54, and the average weight gain was 2.6 kg over the 13 year period. The high exercise group gained significantly less weight than the rest. But there was no difference in weight gain between the two lower exercise groups.
The only group who didn’t gain weight during the study were normal weight women who exercised for an hour or more a day.
flab:名詞,鬆弛的肌肉。例句:I’ve got to lose this flab on my belly!(我得消掉肚子上的這些肥肉!)
diet:名詞,飲食,節食。例句:I’m going on a diet next week and hope to lose two kilos before Christmas.(我下週要開始節食,希望能在耶誕節前減肥兩公斤。)
classify:動詞,分類。例句:The books in the library are classified by/according to subject.(圖書館裡的書根據主題分類。)